Dignity in Pregnancy & Childbirth:

⏰ 45 minutes 

🏆 1.0 ANCC and ACCME Continuing Education credit available

📜 Certificate of Completion

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This course reinforces and refreshes knowledge gained from the original Dignity in Pregnancy & Childbirth course learners completed 2-3 years ago.

Studies show that perinatal care clinicians and providers are generally committed to, and place a high value on, providing high-quality and equitable care. Unfortunately, a massive body of evidence shows that Black women, on average, receive poorer quality of care and have higher rates of suffering, complications, morbidity, and death than their White counterparts.

The course uses a series of new interactive activities to prepare learners to educate their coworkers to interrupt racial biases and live their values in the care they provide to Black women and birthing people.
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Learners will be able to:

Teach coworkers important concepts and correct myths and misunderstandings.

Describe the research evidence on racial inequalities in perinatal care and outcomes.

Explain why well-intentioned providers who are consciously and genuinely committed to fairness and high-quality care can still behave in racially biased ways.

Apply evidence-based strategies for interrupting racial biases and protecting patients from racism.

Live their values and help others to ensure high-quality, respectful and safe care for all patients.

Why do Optum Health, Mayo Clinic, Boston Scientific, Hospital Association of New York, Health Partners, Cleveland Clinic, the Permanente Medical Group, Sutter Health, Confluence Health, The Indiana Hospital Association, the Center for Antiracism and Health Equity, and the California Health Care Association, among others,  choose our courses?

In their words:

#unmatched expertise | #the best we have seen | #truly evidence-based  | #top marks from our doctors | #head & shoulders above the rest