“I enjoyed the course. I think it did a great job of naming what stereotype threat is, what some concrete examples look like, and how to manage it in the workplace and to help others who might be experiencing it.”
“An excellent and unexpectedly valuable experience.”
“I thought this was extremely insightful and not something they let people talk about. I actually had never had a learning experience about this and felt like it is something that I will think about going forward…”
We all want to show up at our best and bring out the best in our colleagues.
Hundreds of studies have shown that our performance and well-being can be strongly affected by being aware (consciously or unconsciously) that a stereotype about a group we belong to might affect the way others see us. Simply put, we fear that an unfair stereotype will be applied to us, even though we may not be consciously aware of that fear at the time.
This experience is called identity threat or, more commonly, stereotype threat.
Research in a wide variety of settings and situations has shown that stereotype threat is prevalent, can affect anyone, and has surprisingly powerful negative effects.
Write your awesome label here.
Learners will be able to:
Understand how stereotypes can affect people and their wellbeing, knowingly and unknowingly.
Increase your confidence, improve your performance, lower your stress, and improve your quality of life.
Empower your coworkers, bring out the best in them and others, and support a vibrant and inclusive workplace.
Apply concrete and evidence-based actions you need to improve the quality of service you provide to your clients or customers, thus improving their experience and loyalty.
Why do Optum Health, Mayo Clinic, Boston Scientific, Hospital Association of New York, Health Partners, Cleveland Clinic, the Permanente Medical Group, Sutter Health, Confluence Health, the Indiana Hospital Association, the Center for Antiracism and Health Equity, and the California Health Care Association, among others, choose our courses? In their words:
#unmatched expertise | #the best we have seen | #truly evidence-based | #top marks from our doctors | #head & shoulders above the rest