Caring for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients

⏰ 45 minutes (plus optional activities)

🏆 1.0 ACCME Continuing Education credit available

📜 Certificate of Completion

Meets the licensure requirements established by CA SB 923, the California TGI Inclusive Care Act

This course was co-sponsored & developed through our partnership with Lead Subject Matter Expert Dr. Julia Przedworski.
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What Your Colleagues Say:

“I found it very helpful and informative. I really enjoy how much information was conveyed in understandable and easy ways. I also liked the graphics and found them to really illustrate certain points. I do think this would be a useful course for healthcare providers…”

“I felt this was a good learning course that included basic information relevant to patient care. I did learn some new ways to ask relevant questions.”

There are an estimated 5 million transgender and gender non-conforming patients in the US alone

This video learning course will give you valuable insights into providing compassionate and inclusive healthcare to transgender and gender diverse patients. Understanding the unique healthcare experiences of gender diverse individuals is crucial to ensuring their well-being and promoting equitable care.

You will cover key concepts, such as sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and gender expression, and explain why these concepts are essential in clinical care settings. You will also learn best practices for implementing these concepts to deliver high-quality and clinically appropriate care for transgender and gender-diverse patients.
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Learners will be able to:

Understand concepts related to gender diversity.

Explain the importance of incorporating gender diversity concepts in clinical care.

Apply best practices for effective communication.

Demonstrate the ability to navigate  miscommunications that may arise during patient care.

Ensure a respectful and inclusive environment for gender-diverse patients.

Course Format

This video learning course features engaging content developed by a community of experts and practicing physicinas. Through informative presentations, case studies, and interactive exercises, you will deepen your knowledge and develop practical skills for providing respectful and affirming care to transgender and gender-diverse patients. The self-paced format allows you to learn at your convenience, ensuring flexibility in your professional development.

Who Should Enroll

This course is designed for physicians and clinicians who have diagnostic and prescribing responsibilities.

Why do Optum Health, Mayo Clinic, Boston Scientific, Hospital Association of New York, Health Partners, Cleveland Clinic, the Permanente Medical Group, Sutter Health, Confluence Health, the Indiana Hospital Association, the Center for Antiracism and Health Equity, and the California Health Care Association, among others, choose our courses?

In their words:

#unmatched expertise | #the best we have seen | #truly evidence-based  | #top marks from our doctors | #head & shoulders above the rest