Welcome Members of the Midwifery DNP Program!
Thank you to our Fairfield University Midwifery students, faculty, and preceptors. Your work and efforts to provide equitable healthcare for all pregnant persons is making a difference. To further your knowledge and understanding of diverse patient populations, with the HRSA MatCare TICMED grant, we have been able to curate the following Diversity Science Institute learning modules for the benefit of you and your patients. You have 12 months to complete the modules at a pace that works for your learning.
As a further appreciation to our preceptors and faculty for their time and effort, faculty and preceptors will receive CEUs for their completion of each module and its corresponding CEU exam.
Lastly, we plan to gather as a community of faculty, preceptors, and students to unpack and debrief on the learnings from these webinars via Zoom in 2 sessions over the course of the year. Please lookout for emails with these dates (tentatively in February 2025 and September 2025).
Please reach to me with any questions you have!
In partnership,
Jenna LoGiudice,
Egan Midwifery DNP Program Director

Write your awesome label here.
The cost of these modules and CE are supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a Maternity Care Nursing Workforce Expansion (MatCARE) Award# T68HP52006-01-00 totaling $1.2 million titled Trauma-informed Care for Midwifery Education & Diversity (TICMED).